Even though they misrecorded it.
Continue reading...053: The Beatles, ‘In My Life’
251: The Maysles Brothers, “The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit”
“We got a call one day from Granada television in England. They said The Beatles were arriving in two hours in New York at Idlewild Airport. Would we like to make a film of them? I put my hand over the phone and asked my brother ‘Who are The Beatles? Are they any good?'”
Continue reading...252: The Beatles, ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’
‘Strawberry Fields’ was born of Lennon’s genius. But it was engendered by the miraculous, unique, liberating status of The Beatles.
Continue reading...237: Wilbert Harrison, ‘Kansas City’
“C’mon, Wilbert, pick up them feet, you shiftless shuffler you! The lady’s a-waiting!”
“Hey, I ain’t sweating or fretting or agitating for no woman.”
229: The Beatles: ‘I’ve Just Seen a Face’ (“Rubber Soul”)
Just picture it – half a million children of the Woodstock generation on half a million little desert islands, each one clutching to his/her breast his own personal, worn, beloved copy of “Rubber Soul”.
Continue reading...214: The Beatles, ‘You’re Gonna Lose That Girl’
Remember innocent optimism? The Beatles, 1965, the coolest humans ever born, making the finest music of our times.
Continue reading...207: The Beatles, ‘Rocky Raccoon’; and Bob Dylan, ‘Frankie Lee and Judas Priest’/’Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts’
This is the way the world the world ends, this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with Jeff babbling about the demigods playing ping-pong.
Wishing all of us, everywhere, health and peace of mind.
182: The Shirelles, ‘Will You Love Me Tomorrow’
When seventeen-year old Carole King found herself pregnant, she wrote ‘Will You Love Me Tomorrow’ for The Shirelles. Girls (and now also guys) have been singing it ever since.
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