Them genders can fluidify wherever they want, I’m sticking with Rachael Price. She make my heart go thumpity-thump-thump.
Continue reading...Rachael Price
273: The Necks, ‘Sex’
Jeff’s Top Ten from the last fortnight–surprises, non-surprises, and Rachael Price going ‘Ooh-ooh–ooh’.
Continue reading...272: Vilray, ‘Do Friends Fall in Love?’ (with Rachael Price)
In a perfect world, the best girls would go for the most talented guys.
Vilray is a most talented guy. Rachael Price is definitely the best girl.
And here they are, singing together.
297: Lake Street Dive (Rachael Price), ‘Hypotheticals’
I got a Plan A, and I got a Plan B
And if it’s absolutely necessary, we’ll go to Plan C
206: Lake Street Dive (Rachael Price), ‘I Want You Back’
I tripped over this clip several weeks ago and am still floored. It’s the best music I’ve seen seen/heard in a month of Sundays. And vocalist Rachael Price is a wonder of nature.
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